Day 1 of Online Data Collection

I can’t help but write a post on my blog to remember how I feel right now. Yesterday I felt at a complete loss with my research as I had a fair number of people drop out of my interview data collection process, and this is the most important data collection method out of the two I am using. I felt so disappointed and I am incredibly excited to be carrying out my dissertation. The prospect of using my data for my future career is so exciting and I hope it does come in use one day. Wedding planning research is very limited at the moment and I hope that I can contribute to it in some small way with my findings of this research.

Today saw my online surveys be published to the wide online world, and the response I have had from people has been incredible. I’m overwhelmed at how supportive and kind people are towards my research. My friends have played a large part in sharing my survey website link and encouraging their engaged friends to take part in my research which is fantastic. The best part is that I am also receiving amazing support from industry professionals, with some evening offering to publish my link on their websites. I hope that when my dissertation is published I can publish my results with these professionals and get my name out into the industry. My passion for weddings is indescribable. I am not the most aware of the current trends and fashions, nor do I know the most about the fine details of planning a wedding, but time and time again I show myself just how passionate and excited I am to be involved in the wedding industry, and I have been for many years. I can only hope that this excitement comes across to future employees and that they see the same potential in me that I see in myself.

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